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Colt Borg

Web developer, with a love for cats.

What am I up to now

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UI Challenge 01

Using HTML and CSS re-create this music article website for practice.

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Visual Studio Code Setup

I've been using Visual studio code since 2017, I decided to look through my set up and document what I use.

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Bring focus to things app

I use tag filtering in Things to focus on the one task I'm working on.

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Target elements without classes

How you do style elements that do not have classes on them? :not() comes to the rescue.


Make node list into an array

Make iterating through a set of DOM nodes easy by turning a Node List into an array.


Nested Destructuring

I always forget the syntax for nested object destructuring. So I wrote this article so that I don't forget again.

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Style a Blockquote using Tailwind CSS

How to use Tailwind CSS to style a semantic, reusable blockquote that looks great.
